Message from Cllr Sue Saddington (Notts CC)
Bleasby Parish Council
The following message was received from Cllr Sue Saddington on 24th February.
"Good afternoon everyone,
I am aware of the horrendous traffic problem in and around Newark today and have spent all day trying to sort it out.
The decision to restrict lanes on the A46 is that of National Highways , not Notts CC.
Temporary traffic lights will be installed on Hawton Bridge.
It is difficult to control traffic using rural roads as rat runs, please respect speed through rural villages.
Notts CC do NOT have control over National Highways infrastructure work , but NCC will monitor the situation.
I will keep you updated when I receive any further information.
To the Clerks, If you are able to pass this message to residents I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Kind regards,
Councillor Sue Saddington"
Find Bleasby Parish Council
Bleasby, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire