Community Speedwatch for Bleasby
Bleasby Parish Council
In recent years and in response to consultations with Bleasby residents, one of the main issues raised by parishioners is concern with speeding vehicles through the village. With narrow pavements, blind bends and plenty of cyclists and horse riders using our roads, a maximum speed of 30 miles per hour (outside school time) should be observed at all times but unfortunately is not always the case.
Several years ago in response to their speeding problem on the A612, Thurgarton introduced Community Speedwatch which has proven a great success. It helped raise awareness of the speed limit through the village and also played an important role in providing evidence that helped with the introduction of 40mph buffer zones on the approaches to the village which in turn has helped reduce speed of vehicles through the village.
To help address speeding in Bleasby, The Parish Council proposes to introduce our own Community Speedwatch scheme this year. For the scheme to work we need at least a dozen or so volunteers from the community to come forward willing to commit a couple of hours a month to monitor traffic going through the village. Full training will be given by Notts police and if you are over 18, there will be sessions scheduled for both weekdays and weekends so all will be welcome to take part. If you would like to register your interest in volunteering or would like to know more, please email [email protected].
Find Bleasby Parish Council
Bleasby, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire