The Defibrillator in Bleasby was purchased by the Parish Council and is maintained by volunteers in conjunction with Community Heartstart. It is located in the telephone box on the corner of Sycamore Lane.
If you have a medical emergency you contact the emergency services in the usual way by dialling 999 and they will ascertain details of your illness/ accident.
If a defibrillator is of possible benefit they will give you the location and access code for your NEAREST defibrillator. Go to that point, enter the code into the keypad of the yellow cabinet, remove the defibrillator and bag 1 and take them back to the patient.
The ambulance operator coordinates your location using GPS and gives you the code of your NEAREST defibrillator FROM THE LOCATION YOU ARE RINGING FROM.
Do not go to the telephone box and ring from there as the ambulance will deploy to the telephone box. Equally if you ring from telephone box about an ongoing incident they have huge difficulty in knowing which patient it belongs too.
We had an incident in Gibsmere with this in June 2019 where a relative was waiting 10 minutes for the code because they did not ring the ambulance back from home (so GPS location was different!).
After use, please return to the telephone box using the access code. If you can please tell someone on the parish council you have used the defibrillator or pop a note on the yellow box. The volunteers check the cabinet visually daily and they will see your note.
We train in small groups about once a year but free, individual training is available whenever anyone wants some! Please contact Ali Sutherland for details.
Equally if you just want to familiarise yourself with the equipment then again this can be arranged as a 1:1 appointment.
Please let us know if you can think of good ways to make this useful resource more accessible and useful to our community.
Alison Sutherland 07814 549926