Project: Bleasby Swifts

Welcome to Bleasby Swift Conservation Project
Bleasby Grasshoppers started this project early in 2023 with the aim of helping to stop the decline in Swift numbers in Bleasby and surrounding villages. We are working in conjunction with Southwell Swifts who have similar aims and objectives.
By appealing to residents, businesses and builders in the area, we want to raise awareness of the drop in the number of Swifts and give advice on how to halt the decline.
How can you help?
By installing a nest box, leaving a hole under your roof tiles or by installing a Swift brick in any new build. Ideally the boxes should be on a north or east facing wall, 5 metres high, with no trees or wires to hinder access.
By May 2024 we installed around 20 swift boxes in the parish, ready for their arrival - let's hope they stay!. Our aim is to install a total of at least 30 new Swift boxes in the parish of Bleasby over the next few years.
Please inform us by email [email protected] of any installations of boxes and sightings of swifts as this would really help focus our effort.
Helpful Information
Please visit the swift conservation website to find out all you need to know about providing a nest site for these remarkable birds.
The RSPB provide lots of useful info click here
There is an excellent app available to download called SwiftMapper where you can register and view sightings
For information about identification of Swifts, Swallows and House Martins, try the Wildlife Trust website
We would like to say thanks for the support from Southwell Screaming Swifts, Notts Wildlife Trust, RSPB and Green Southwell.
Keeping in Touch
We plan to add updates to this webpage as things develop, so please keep visiting.
Please email us at b[email protected] if you would like some advice on installing a nest box, to inform us about any sightings, or just wish to help out in any way.
Many thanks for your support