Countryside & Footpaths Group
The Parish Plan Questionnaire revealed there to be a very large proportion of respondents who enjoyed walking and who would welcome sociable walking opportunities around Bleasby’s rights of way, simultaneously enjoying and discovering the local countryside. As a consequence the group was formed in the autumn of 2018 with the objective of providing opportunities for all members of the community to have regular organised, supported and led rambles with a focus upon our countryside features of historic, agricultural and wildlife interest.
We hold a walk on the third Sundays in the month, with occasional midweek ventures. Walks are normally 4 to 6 miles long and include or are preceded by a 1 to 2 mile walk for those who prefer a shorter walk. The walks are publicised in Bleasby News and on the community website - please sign up for email alerts from the blue box on right hand side of every page.
Group members have a range of countryside experience and interests and are keen to share them with others en route.
Studies are also made of old and current maps of the area from time to time, and the group also notes any problems with the condition of paths or signs, and the status of known routes, and sends feedback on these to Notts County Council.